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Tag Archives: Child Care


Feeding a Sick Child with No Appetite

When we are sick, the last thing we want to do is eat, and the same is true for children. It’s difficult for parents to witness their child’s illness. Most notably when people lose their appetite for eating, even when eating their favorit...

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Signs You Need a Caregiver to Help with Your Child

Raising a child is hard enough as it is. Adding special medical needs can make it even more stressful and overwhelming. As a parent, you naturally want to meet your child’s every need but you also have to understand that there will be times when Ce...

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Tips to Effectively Lower a Child’s Fever

A child having a fever can cause panic or worry to parents, especially for first-timers. However, children’s fever is actually not rare and can often be remedied at home. Here are the things you or your caregiver providing personal care service...

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Qualities to Look for in a Pediatric Skilled Nurse

Skilled nurses aren’t only trained to care for the older adults in the community. Often, they are also trained to provide personal care services in Virginia for younger children. If you’re looking for a home care agency in Stafford, Virgi...

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